Saturday, May 22, 2010

mixed improvement

After a few weeks of progress, I really cut back on doing any of the physical therapy exercises that had been given to me to try at home. I wanted to see if the shoulder would continue improving on its own. I also began lifting weights more regularly, and I've been doing more hiking too. I was surprised at how much the shoulder moves while hiking. When I first started, going for a hike resulted in some pain, especially after the hike. Now it hardly bothers me at all. I'm able to do most of my weightlifting exercises again, but in most cases with reduced weights. I still can't get do shoulder presses or squats with a bar behind my neck.

External rotation continues to improve, about an inch per week. Flexion stopped improving, and actually got slightly worse over the last week. This is a hint that I should work on the stretching exercises more than I've been doing.